Tag Archives: rant

Social acceptabilities

This is my first blog- sorry if it’s poor. Maybe some people will read it and relate, who knows. 

Anyway, I just wanted to use this site to rant I guess. First rant? What has become the ‘norm’.

It suddenly seems socially acceptable for young adults or often children to become ‘cool’ or ‘popular’ through having sex with a high volume of people? This really upsets me- being in my late teenage years myself I now look at sex and believe it to be something that is precious and not for fun or to make you look good. To make matters worse, a thing that spirals from this is that people nowadays that are virgins are frowned upon and laughed at. I simply cannot understand how this works, and nobody I know can really relate or they will refuse to listen to me because it’s just become so common. 

My next point is the social acceptance of bullying people of ethnic minority’s or with different beliefs that maybe don’t even relate to religion. Why is it acceptable to be horrible to somebody that believes in something that others don’t- it doesn’t harm them? Why is it cool to take the p*ss out of somebody that thinks differently to you? This is the way the world works- if we were all the same life would be so boring! I have witnessed young children (probably 10/11) say some nasty things about someone that looked Indian. But then a reinforcer of this is that they learn from people older than them that it should also be assumed they are all Muslims so therefore are going to kill us all. This is what the society thinks like these days? Shocking. Everyone is different and we all deserve a place on this earth- no matter what we believe or who we are.

Sorry for the depressing rant. Hope somebody can relate.